We were driving through a very Indian part of Leicester, to the extent that instead of the expected Christmas decorations, we found Diwali decorations!
We ended up back at Beaumont Leys shopping centre, before adjourning once again to the Leicester Forest East service area for another quiet night.
Distance driven — today, 21 miles ( 34 km ); to date, 31,189 miles ( 50,194 km )
Sort of a betwixt 'n between time for you both the past few days. Today i must start writing my final draft Literature review Chapter. I think I've finally cottoned on to what the dear supervisors say they want and have sorted the lit papers ready to go. Merri's pulling her hair out because the stats. here and there are sort of beyond me but as I said, I will be writing a qualitative exploratory study and so long as she can drag me up the hill with various graphs etc. in the Lit review I will be fine. By the way, a mille kisses and a Happy Yule to you.too. The green pool is evaporating and the family has agreed to help me clean the debris out with a shovel then scrub it with heavy green industrial cleaner and scrubbng brooms, rinse that and then will give it a scrub all over with vinegar afterwards. Let it air, refill (gulp) and get Karen's Pool man come each month to re-chemical it,and try to keep it blue. Had the huge forest of pine trees we had on the front drive removed and the little stumps poisoned yesterday.(Landlord paid thank god). We have a view from the drive! David has started sorting out the shed for us and the hard rubbish for a new Yearish collection. Glad you are having a break-you both look happy but tired out. Will catch up with you in a few days. Happy had over to the young couple. Tom reminds me of John and Lauren looks like a breath of fresh air, as the young go. And thank you and farewell to dear Gertie. Love, and be safe Cathy and crew.