Another quiet day in Zürich. The children had all gone off to school, but the younger two came home for lunch, and then Zeki came home early from school because his double-German class had been cancelled.
Suzie walked down to the local shops, checked out the supermarket and the Post Office (where she bought a couple of boxes and posted off a couple of postcards).
We had finally worked out how to get our plane bookings through, by transferring extra money into our credit card account — the debit card was still refusing to play the game. The funds went through today, and Warren was able to make our booking home — via Emirates, leaving Heathrow at 1.35pm on Thursday, to arrive in Brisbane at 12:45am (yuk!) on Saturday, December 12.
With our flight home organized, we then booked a hotel in London from December 3, so the end of our travels is now under control!
We put our dirty washing in at a local laundry, and it won't be ready until tomorrow morning. The children were very pleased to have us for another night, and Gnome and Jab were the best of hosts!
Distance driven — today, nil; to date, 27,802 miles ( 44,743 km )
Gnome and family (apart from Dad look delightful. The girls are athletic little urchins are they not. I'd like to know how one of them climbed the door transom the way she did. Can't work that out. Love the Swiss solar panel idea-might be a good one for here we have miles and miles of highways and roads and they could be placed behind the crash rails. Why do they have roofs over them? Snow? Lovely to hear you really will be wandering south again 'ere long. I went through many of my boys' papers yesterday and am really hugely proud of what both of them achieved for themselves in their lives. Have to head to the doc and have a cortisone shot today then am taking myself up to Uni afterwards for a free piano concert!!! and to do some printing and just to keep in touch briefly. Also must ask the IT boys how to connect my laptop up with my little HP printer. They need to authorise it despite the laptop having trouble with sorting my roving profile! Will get back to Nick's paperwork tomorrow. Astral had no smiles for me last night but she gives me a long thoughtful look at times then snuggles and goes to sleep. Sometimes I sit with her on my lap she likes the TV-mute. The little soul uses her 'abs' and heaves herself upright and sits like that with my hands loosely in place around her encouraging a straight back, Every time I lie her back, she 'abs' herself upright, head up and looking around. Not bad for 3 months' old to the day! Anyway keep on enjoying your time. Good idea to laundrette. Lots of blessings on your hoary heads me dears, Cathy