Friday, 18 September 2015

18 Sep 2015. <GB-ENG> Farthing Common, East Kent; Maidstone, Kent; Woolwich, East London; Dunmow, Essex —

Today we finally cut the umbilical cord at Farthing Common and set off on our way towards Harwich and our way back to Europe, via the Netherlands. It was a patchy day, with heavy showers and periods of lovely sunshine — in short, a good day to be travelling.

We sat back and watched a duel between two trucks, one trying to overtake the other, which must have gone on for about 10 miles. What idiots!

We stopped off at a McDonalds at Maidstone to transfer some funds across to our working Credit Card account, to facilitate the booking with the Stena Line to from Harwich Hoek van Holland. Knowing that bank transfers between banks are not instantaneous, we then continued on our way round the outskirts of London, but not before being serenaded by a little robin in a tree — it's amazing how much sound a little bird can put out!

On the way, Gertie showed her mettle. We heard and felt a thump in our rear — another vehicle had side-swiped us. We stopped and were about to exchange details when we noticed that there was no real damage to Gertie. On the other hand, the other, considerably newer, vehicle had body work damage right down the side. We decided to let the whole thing drop, as there was nothing that needed to be done for Gertie but what we already knew about, and which was simply age-related.

We crossed the Thames just downstream of the Thames Barrier, with the Woolwich Ferry — that in itself is an experience. The ferry is free, because Transport for London hasn't gotten around to building a bridge or tunnel here, and tolls on bridges further west were abolished in 1889. It's very busy and, but for the queuing, very quick. There's been a ferry here since the 14th century!

Queuing for the ferry

The Thames Barrier

Gertie and her big friends on the ferry

We stopped off at a picnic area at Buttleys Lane, off the A120, near Great Dunmow. This was within range of the Stena Terminal at Harwich — we thought our bank transfer may not have gone through, so we wanted to have the option of dropping in to the terminal tomorrow to pay cash for our cross-Channel voyage. This picnic area was a good choice, as it was fairly secluded, allowing us to have a good quiet night.

Distance driven — today, 116 miles ( 187 km ); to date, 28,824 miles ( 46,388 km )

1 comment:

  1. This seemed like a necessarily delaying day, but the little robin was gorgeous. I didn't hear my black bird yesterday morning but our huge pet currawong was busy eating something on the roof so hope it wasn't blackbird whose joyous song wakes me early each morning. We also have a willy wagtail who de insects the pool each morning and chirrups away and a big Sulphur Crested Cocky who hates the Currawong but talks to me when I am at the clothes line. I stupidly ate darkish salad greens yesterday and the diverticulitis gave me curry all day. I fell into bed at 6 ish and that's why I am up now. Keep on keeping on. Have fun tomorrow. Cathy
