Tuesday, 30 June 2015

30 Jun 2015. <TR> Kumköy —
Today, a rest day. Well, not exactly — Warren was frantically trying to bring the blog up to date (he succeeded), and Suzie was updating her journals. We also made the decision, noting the parlous state of the Greek economy and the excitable temperament of the Greeks, to drop Greece from our plans for now. So our next moves will be through Bulgaria and into Romania. Bucharest is very near our Romanian entry point, and we have a camp site lined up there, so we can use its internet to fine tune our journeyings in Romania and out to Hungary.

Distance driven — today, 44 miles ( 70 km ); to date, 22,777 miles ( 36,656 km )

1 comment:

  1. Very wise in such a sad situation. Poor Greeks. There is no where for them to produce food except for figs, grapes, olives, herbs, fish, goats and chooks. They'll never .bail themselves out. Their tourism has been done to death. No-one is buying. Tourism is dead. We're eating preserved Bulgarian peaches at present-gorgeous. Well, I started on my own planned program of work here today. Got heaps done. I'm sick of plugging on and getting nowhere over there, so have reorganised things here and planning my hours in a diary and getting stuff done. Plan to spend 1 year at some place overseas-perhaps Edinburgh from whenever their second semester begins in 12 months' time and do a comparison of how these ladies are treated in the UK with their management here. You get a PhD from both Universities-all on scholarship if its approved. So I need to work like hell until then. All the best, keep safe, Cathy
