Wednesday, 1 July 2015

1 Jul 2015. <TR> Kumköy; Istanbul; E10 towards Edirne —
Today we finally made our move. We spent the morning in internet time, to check for campsites near our route through Bulgaria and parts of Romania, and also compared some tour itineraries within Romania to pick other people's brains for suggestions for places to visit.

Then we left the campsite (having paid out our account yesterday in anticipation of our departure). We dropped into the village and picked up an extra bottle of Aygaz — ₺16 is a paltry sum to pay for that little extra security. Once we're back in the Eurozone, CampinGaz will be easy to get.

A little further out of town, we called into the local Migros store to stock up, and then we were on our way. Going in towards Istanbul, we went down the hill we had (justifiably) declined to climb in the opposite direction — what must have been at least a 20% slope downhill! But we got down, through the tunnel, and finally out on the E-80 to the west. Our troubles were only just beginning — we had 20km of bumper-to-bumper traffic! (An opportunity for some enterprising lads who were walking amongst the stationary vehicles selling bottles of water to the hot and bothered motorists.) We saw one van that had totally expired, clouds of steam issuing from its engine compartment!

On the way out, we passed a huge mall — the Mall of Istanbul. Huge!

When we got to the toll gates, we understood much of the problem — there are two toll systems in Turkey, and you have to pass through the gate for the one you have subscribed to. The problem was that most vehicles arrived in the wrong lane to get through their particular gate, so there was utter chaos there. Add to this that the Turks have absolutely no concept of orderly queueing behaviour, and you can picture the confusion — utter bedlam! But Suzie just laughed! We will miss the sounds of the horns when we get back to Oz!

Out on the tollway it was a different story. We drove, enjoying the scenery — including many fields of sunflowers that reminded us of Dorothy's journey to Oz.

We finally came to the same parking area we used when we first arrived in Turkey, about 20km short of Edirne, and we pulled in there for the night.

Distance driven — today, 181 miles ( 292 km ); to date, 22,958 miles ( 36,948 km )

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are on your way. I have felt a bit uneasy for you in that neck of the woods. As you say the sunflowers were pretty-makes sense that van Gogh's indicated his isolation and depression. Were they uranium or coal based power sources. I can never tell which is which. I guess nice windows and closed windows would help with the long queues. Tony rabbit is making himself a bunny again-refusing to do anything to help gay marriage along rather than changing our bloody constitution in favour of the aboriginal people. i am sick of politicians. They are bloody useless and need to be set in ice for the duration of their terms then defrosted and sent on their ways preferably through the detention camps! Love ya Cathy.
