Saturday, 14 March 2015

14 Mar 2015. <FR> Albi, Tarn —
Albi. We've been here before, but wanted to revisit the cathedral, claimed to be the largest all-brick building in the world! It was begun in 1287, just after the Albigensian Crusade, and was intentionally constructed to look very plain — and very imposing — from the outside, as one thing the Cathar heretics (who still had a following in the region) held against the Catholic Church was its blatant opulence.

We had parked in the aire just below the cathedral — we had seen it last time, so knew it was there. The weather was slightly dubious, so we took our umbrellas with us. First of all, we had a walk around Albi — found a boulanger with beautiful bread sticks, and we found the new tourist office where we got a town plan and a few touristy goodies. We found a monument to one of Albi's sons, Lapérouse, whose expedition to Oceania vanished in 1788 (La Perouse, in Sydney, is named for him). Then we walked back to the cathedral. Well, first we went in to the other tourist office, by the Toulouse Lautrec Museum, and bought tickets to that and to the ambulatory and treasury of the cathedral. Today being Saturday, we decided to go to the cathedral and leave the museum for tomorrow. As we were walking about the town, we were intrigued by quotes from Toulouse-Lautrec (whose 150th birthday it is this year) displayed on many shop windows.

"Moins d'artistes et plus de bons ouvriers. Plus de mètier en un mot."
Fewer artists and more good workers. More business in a word.

"Vive la Révolution! Vive Manet! Un vent d'impressionisme souffle sur l'atelier."
Long live the Revolution! Long live Manet Vive! A wind of impressionism blows about the studio.

"Elle est si grande et belle et moi je ne suis ni grand ni beau."
She's so big and beautiful, and I am neither big nor beautiful.

I'll drink milk when cows start grazing on grapes!

We got to the cathedral to find huge restoration work going on. Parts of the place were 'out of bounds', but we had a fine time poking around the place, getting more photos to add to the set wee took last time! The choir was closed off, and you could only get into the apse thsat lies beyond it. Nevertheless, it's still very impressive. The painted ceiling, dating back to the middle ages is stunning. The stained glass is being restored, and looks wonderful.

The cathedral has a few idiosyncracies. First of all, the main altar is in the west, not in the east as is usual. This is becasue there is a huge rood screen separating the eastern end of the nave (the chancel and the choir) from the western end (the nave proper). When the church policy changed, and the celebrants of the mass were no longer to be separated from the parishoners by a screen, they considered the screen too precious to destroy, so they simply built a new altar at the western end of the basilica, below the magnificent organ, and services are now held in the western end of the building. Similarly, the depiction of the last judgement, usually at the back of the church, is right behind the altar. The centre of the Last Judgement fresco (where God is in the centre and the archangel Michael weighing the souls is usually depicted) was removed to allow a chapel to be set up behind the altar — this is the only bad decision they seem to have made!

A possible reconstruction of the Judgement Fresco

Part of the Treasury

A painting in the Treasury
We left the cathedral and, because the sun had come out, we strolled down to the old bridge over the River Tarn, then slowly back to the van for the night.

Distance driven — today, 22 miles ( 35 km ); to date, 15,787 miles ( 25,407 km )


  1. Glad you are continuing to enjoy your "grande tour", and are taking us with you via. your text and photos.
    How is the computer now?
    Hope you rescued your hard drive content. Can you use inexpensive USB flash drives to save sections of your travels so that a failed hard - drive won't be catastrophic?
    You could lash out and get a new laptop of course ;)
    Love from all at our end

    1. Thanks Ra ...
      The problem with the hard drive was worse than I intimated. I was in the process of backing up all the photos, and Windows (which had grabbed the drive it was reading from, as opposed to Unix which simply reads from the drive without taking full control of it) -- verdammte Windows decided to crash, and corrupted the drive it was reading from. So I had lost all the photos from February on, and all the camera raw files from the whole trip! Disaster. The good news is that the program I pulled in (and bought) has done the job, and recovered ALL the missing photos, and has put most of them into appropriately dated folders. There are a few that I'll have to go in and reassign, folder by folder, but nothing has been lost! Warning to the uninitiated -- if using Windows, never trust it. Keep at least 2 backups at all times of important files! USB flash drives, by the way, would be far too small for the job! -- but thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Dear both, the cathedrals continue to amaze me, but I guess the poor had nice bread to eat if nothing else after the church had taken their next to last mites.
    The walking is a good idea. I got off my bus 3 stops early today and trudged up through the scrub to the 2 ovals below our place and kept walking. The scrub is , sadly, chockas with rubbish people have deposited in it and rather spoils the environment. I'll ring council and let them know it is pretty disgusting. Am busy writing 2500 word on my literature review for next Thursday, so am not doing much else this week. They sure are slave drivers. I've only been there 4months you know and it's just as well I've gone flat out looking for stuff since I hit the ground. Thank God for the Librarians. Anyway, say one for the Jones crew the next cathedral you hit please Suzie. we could do with a blessing from on high with the baby arriving soon. Brydie is looking beautiful and is settled and very happy in her pregnancy. She is staying with her parents and her mother is doing her best to show her what a loser Jay is. He's his own worst enemy that kid, and self-sabotages himself with monotonous regularity. Continue your travels and have much fun. I am keeping all the post cards for you for when you return. Cheers, Cathy

    1. Cathie you are loving the were so unwell for so long ..glad that you are would love Spain and France so clean scant litter.
      There is more to come ,cathie XXXX
