Sunday, 1 March 2015

1 Mar 2015. <ES> Llieda, Catalunya; Zaragoza, & Candasnos, Huesca, Aragon; Torremocha del Campo, Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha —
Another day of travelling, towards Toledo and Suzie's dental appointment. We left Barcelona, catching sight of another of Gaudí's works on the horizon as we left. Our path took us through Llieda and Zaragoza, and via even more picturesque parts of Spain. We have been crossing and recrossing the prime meridian, but this was the first time we actually found it marked, by an arch across the road (and warnings of its approach every 500 metres for the 5 km before we actually came across it).

Montserrat, near Barcelona

Late in the afternoon, as we were driving towards Guadalajara (and Madrid about 40km further southeast), Suzie spotted a picnic spot at Torremocha del Campo, off the A2 when we were about 50km short of Guadalajara. We pulled in and found it the absolutely perfect spot to spend the night!

Distance driven — today, 368 miles ( 592 km ); to date, 14,770 miles ( 23,770 km )

1 comment:

  1. You're getting canny. Hope the teeth are feeling OK now. Holy Toledo! Is it? I guess the bull was just a statue. If not I'd head for the fortress or the bell tower fast.
    Sort of a bleak greyness in the scenery. Main rock formation? Roads, bridges, arches and this time no sea, so i guess you are inland and I'm too darned lazy to get out the atlas at the mo. Will do asap. Love to both. Baby GGD is small for dates (not surprised since Mum didn't eat for the first trimester), but no problems cranio-facially which is OK. Nick may gett a job in the Army workshoiip down here at the camp at Warradale (ten minutes from home) fixing their big vehic lees. Keep fingers crossed. Jay went to a fathering course and am encouraging him to ask C/link to put him up for the Retail Cert 1 course at TAFE. May get his mind off tattoos and Bars!!!. Hope your families are all well. I'll ring Tris again soon and check it all out. Love Cathy
