We left our lovely haven at Eldorado Camping and drove into Cluj-Napoca. As we were leaving, the local 'taxi service' arrived with some guests for the pension and campsite.
The day was really too hot to do any serious touring, so we decided to land in the cool of a large shopping centre in Cluj. Good choice! As we parked near the shopping centre, a faster car whipped in and took the park we were aiming for — bot no problem, as there were plenty more. But that car did show that, in spite of what you might hear, there is a bit of money to flash about in some quarters!
The shopping complex, Iulius Mall, was quite impressive, with all the shops you might want. It even had an indoor swimming pool and exercise area right by the food court — so you could burn up a few calories before or after indulging! And there is a huge cinema complex attached. The place was very popular, and the shops were busy with customers.
After indulging in Turkish food (a huge döner kebab plate for Warren, and a kebab meal in pastry wrap for Suzie — either meal would have fed the two of us!), we went outside and walked about the lake for a while. It was still hot, and we really felt for the bridal party having photos taken on the other side of the lake!
We then made our departure and drove out, but we called off at Avram Iancu Square, with its statue of Avram Iancu on the way out, where we found the Dormition of the Theotokos Cathedral Catedrale Adormirea Maicii Domnului and the Opera House.
Then we made our way out, passing Eldorado as we went, and towards the Hungarian border. Still in Romania, we found a wide car park near a garage and pension (the Orsam Restaurant on the E60 near Oradea), and pulled in there for the night. We paid them the princely sum of 10 lei for the privilege — about $3. The site was good in some ways and bad in one — it was cool, with a lovely breeze, but we were close to a river, and the mosquitoes were somewhat annoying. But a blast of insecticide soon put paid to them! (Well, almost!)

This fellow in the red car, who parked on the footpath,
will get a rude shock -- the road workers had dug up all of his exits!
This fellow in the red car, who parked on the footpath,
will get a rude shock -- the road workers had dug up all of his exits!
Distance driven — today, 99 miles ( 160 km ); to date, 23,964 miles ( 38,567 km )
Hats on haystacks again. Lovely old cart horse, Somewhat pagoda style roofs, and rural scenery interspersed with stalls! Probably the men were farming and the women doing the merchandising. Fresh Mushrooms would have been nice. Bad luck about the Mozzies. At least you shouldn't get that yuk Q fever we get here from them. All either statuesque, picturesque, agricultural, quaint and spectacular along the way today. You two wouldn't have needed another meal today! Or tomorrow either I reckon. Lotsa love from all and a squeak from Astral. How are your two grand babies? Haven't heard anything at all from J&G of course, but I ring Tris now and then to catch up with those 2 and little Lily, Love from us all, Cathy.