Saturday, 18 July 2015

18 Jul 2015. <HU> Budapest —
A stinker of a day. We decided to stay in the van, where we had it parked, not in shade but in a position where we could open it up to all the cross-breezes, and to spend time catching up on our writing tasks — a lot easier than walking around in the full heat of the sun. Suzie spent the day in the Betty Boop t-shirt that she picked up yesterday!

The cypress hedge by the van gave us some seclusion!
This was the view through our open door!

Distance driven — today, nil; to date, 24,200 miles ( 38,946 km )

1 comment:

  1. MM! Loved Betty Boop I guess the hedge filtered the air for you too. You have a cooler in the van? Strange that Europe should stonker Australians with its heat, but I reckon a rest day here and there must be good for you. Love cathy
