Today we decided not to go back into Hamburg, but to make our way towards Köln (Cologne). But first we wandered about the Fischereihavn (Fishery harbour) and Fischmarkt (Fishmarket) area. We watched as a huge cruise liner came into port — remember, the harbour of Hamburg is about 60km inland, up the wonderfully navigable River Elbe.
We wandered down to the U-Bootmuseum — one of the German World War II Wolf Pack, the U-434, has been brought into port here and turned into a museum. We didn't go in — too claustrophobic, too many steps and ladders, and we've already had a good look at the interior of such boats in the German film Das Boot.
We drove out through the older, tree-lined part of town, and then we were seeing the docks from the other side as we drove through the dock area and out.
The Autobahns were busy and, with roadworks all over the place, there were often huge queues of stationary traffic — luckily for us, on the other side of the highway!
We were overtaken by a large group of motorcyclists obviously travelling together. Strangely, half of them had Polish plates, while the rest were Danish!
We called in to the town of Holdorf to find a Penny's store that was showing in the Garmin — all we found was a corn field!
We then tried a larger town, Ostnabrück, to find a Kaufland store. Not there! So we tried for another store — no luck again. And we were travelling through narrow cobblestoned — but very pretty — streets. Finally, we struck out for a Lidl store — finally, success! But to add insult to injury, opposite Lidl was Aldi, and around the corner was Kaufland!
We finally called it a day at Rastplatz Buddenkuhle, on the A1 near Lengerich (a little north of Munster), beside a cornfield.
Distance driven — today, 167 miles ( 269 km ); to date, 27,126 miles ( 43,657 km )
Overchoice finally I think. the cornfield looked restfull and young. pretty touriong. Love Cathy