Left our campsite. We had checked on the net using the CampinGaz outlet locator, and found five outlets — all part of the same chain, Sports Depot — here in Sofia, so we made a point of getting to one and replenishing our gas supplies. Problems. First up, with today being the 70th anniversary of the surrender by Nazi Germany in World War 2, there's a lot of political activity going on here, so much that the police were controlling a lot of the intersections. That meant that our path to the Sports Depot outlet. Finally got there, only to find that they only carry the tiny disposable cylinders used by hikers and weekend campers — no use to us. We still have one full cylinder, which should last us about 4 weeks, so we might have to change over brands (and regulators!) until we get back to Romania (where there are lots of CampinGaz outlets).
So then we adjourned to Maccas to catch up on internet time — and to get a caffeine fix!
Then we left Sofia for points eastward. We've decided to go out to Burgas (Бургас), on the Black Sea, before we finally set our sights for Turkey. It's a fair way, and we're taking our time. We stopped at an Eko service station (with parking, cafe, WiFi, etc) on the Trakia Highway (the A1) about half-way between Sofia and Kostenec (Костенец). This was a good relaxed stop for the night.
Distance driven — today, 41 miles ( 66 km ); to date, 19,586 miles ( 31,474 km )
That looked a fair sized dragon on the kerb. The black dog looked curious about things too. The Campin gaz thing looks difficult to me. I hate gas though. Roadworks everywhere it would seem. Glad they celebrated the end of the Nasty Nazis. The budget is softened this year, but the labor party, vis Bowen is making short work of it immediately. i think it is not too bad. Bowen is rotten. Claims Labor's over spending was just a figment of Joe Hockey's imagination-it really isn't there!!! Of course Hockey had to borrow more to enable us to do anything and the labor keeps on about broken promises which had to be that way because the sods and the garbled senate blocked a lot of what they wanted to do. Glad to live here. Looking around E Europe with you has been good and sad too. Take care yez all, CJ