We woke up at our revised stop from last night to find that we had a wonderful view of mountains on one side (and an abandoned black Alfa Romeo in an fenced-in area on the other).
We drove up the highway towards Sofia (Софиа, pronounced here with the stress on the first syllable — Sofia with the stress on the second syllable is a girl's name), but made a detour to the Macca's we dropped in on yesterday, so we could get some blog entries live. They don't do omelettes for breakfast in Bulgaria (as we had in Croatia and Serbia).

By the time we got moving, we decided to drive straight through Sofia to our campsite on the other side. This campsite was a little different to the others we had visited. We parked in a field of dandelions under huge shade trees, next to a rushing river — the sound of running water is so relaxing. The shade was most welcome, as this must have been one of the hottest days for some time — well above 30C. No WiFi, and not much else either, but we loved the shade, the electricity, and the ease of getting into Sofia for tomorrow.
Distance driven — today, 59 miles ( 95 km ); to date, 19,545 miles ( 31,455 km )
SoFia not impressed here. It makes her sound frightened of things she said. A good comment I thought. Love the little wild flowers all over the place. The view was probably worth moving on for I'd say. Looks like the golden arches were as spectacular as the Parlt. bildg.. Why was the latter only impressive when you first saw it? Did you go inside and have a look? The roadside stalls look well set up. We have heaps of itinerant food purveyors coming on campus now. The students love them. I frankly prefer the establishment tho' it is a bit dearer, when I do eat out. Soph and Muff gave me a lovely butterfly card and an Asian inspired enamelled 1 litre drink container for work. Merri has one like it, but I said how much I liked it ages ago and little computer brain Sophie stored it up to feed back to mum when she said What will we get grandma for Mother's day? Bless them. Gertie looks happy. Nice to see you can open the window and let the curtains flap a bit. Like the sad yellow face. i made pancakes and grilled bacon that we had with maple syrup for breakfast yesterday- Thank God no-one brings me breakfast in bed. I hate trying to balance a tray and not spill anything. We had bought Coles Lasagne and Coles Apple cakes, both of which we heated and ate the latter with cream for tea, a family one-such a relief for me not to have to make the lasagne, fiddly darned stuff making all the pasta sheets and sauces.. It is very nice, but it is actually cheaper to buy a large one than make it, I love the shady trees all about and most seem not to be too close to the verges, unlike SA with its dangerous forest of gum trees and picket fences of stobie poles, Oh well, must get ready for work. It's 803 on Mondy so gotta scram. love ya, cathy