Another night in the Leisure Centre car park. Suzie had a restless night last night, and is aching today. Hopefully it's just a 24-hour virus, but a little TLC is called for!
Warren went in to McDonald's to catch up on the blog. Bought the paper and some rolls before going back to the van. Found Suzie lying in bed hugging her hot water bottle. Well, we were always going to have a quiet day! Warren went back out to buy a USB lead and some knives — the plastic-handled ones that had come with the van were snapping at the handles. Well, that won't happen with solid stainless-steel ones!
Tested the van at 4pm — a suspicious smell of rubber was coming from under the bonnet!
Suzie wasn't up to cooking dinner tonight, so Warren had to step in. Then we watched a couple of episodes of Lewis before tucking ourselves in for the night.
Distance driven — today, nil ; to date, 9,790 miles ( 15,756 km )
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