Tuesday, 14 October 2014

14 Oct 2014. <GB-ENG> Gloucester (Huilin's), Glos —
Another wet day. We got onto Richard, who wants us to check in with him in Gloucester. We drove in, getting there at about 11.30 — no Richard — he had gone out on a job. We told John (his brother) that we would be back at about 2.30, then adjourned to Macca's just down the road.

Considerable blogging later, we went back to Huilin's and caught up with Richard. He has an engine, but wanted our say-so to go ahead with the reconditioning. We said, "Do it!" He also looked at the alternator belt, which has been slipping badly for the past week — adjusted it up and all was well!

Once we left Richard there was little time left to do anything, so we went out onto out layby on the A40 for the night — and watched the first of the Millennium Trilogy (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) in the original Swedish version before tucking in for the night.

Distance driven — today, 111 miles ( 179 km ); to date, 8,689 miles ( 13,984 km )

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