Sunday, 27 April 2014

27 Apr 2014. <GB-ENG> Beeston, Ches; Oswestry, Shrops —

Beeston Castle St George's Day Celebrations! The gates to the castle opened at 10am, but we were ready almost an hour earlier, so we decided to walk down the hill to the village and that narrow bridge that so freaked Susie yesterday. A lovely walk, passing numerous cyclists, equestrians, ramblers, and sighting the local Peregrine Falcon which is nesting near the castle. When we got to the village, found that it was a stopping point on a canal, and there were about half a dozen barges pulled up, their occupants presumably having enjoyed the hospitality of the local in at some time last night.

Back up to the Castle. The mile downhill was easy, the mile back up the hill good exercise! Got to the Castle and things were hopping. Went in just in time to see "St George" being dressed by his squire (and a young volunteer from the audience). Left him to get on with it while we walked up to the Castle itself.

The Castle is a 12th Century ruin, but with enough remaining to give you an impression of what must have been there after it was begun in the 1220s. It was also the site of a siege, the Cavaliers here ultimately surrendering to the Roundheads during the Civil War in 1645.

The view from the Castle is magnificent - on a clear day you can see across 8 counties! (It was a little hazier for us, but still superb!) You can see across to the next peak to what seems to be anther castle in far better repair. Scam! It was built by the then owner of Beeston Castle in the 1800s so he could look out at Beeston Castle in comfort — it's now a hotel (which has a special attraction - falconry)!

Returned down to the celebrations in time to watch St George dispatch the dragon. Then went out to the van for lunch, returning to explore the grounds further, before we decided to depart at about 3:30. We'd had a lovely sunny day, and were well satisfied.

Went in to Chester to check out parking — found none, so decided to set off south for Shrewsbury. On the way, became aware of a 3000-year-old hill fort in Oswestry, so retargeted our end point for the day to this. Got there in time to park and walk up onto the hill for a look-see. Will go back up for a better look in the morning before departing for Shrewsbury, Brother Cadfael country!

Susie on top of the Hill Fort

Distance driven — today, 58 miles ( 93 km ); to date, 354 miles ( 570 km )

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