11 Dec 2014. <GB-ENG> Gloucester (Friar Tuck's), Glos —
We're still in Gloucester, marking time, so have decided to report on the last few days in a single post.
Update on the van...

Richard with the van
Tuesday Dec 9
— went up to Hulin's to find that the engine supplied is a post 1996 engine, and the one taken out is a 1994 engine. This means that all the parts Richards had so carefully preserved to put back on the engine are useless. Bust the good news is that parts are readily available for this engine, so we were able to contact the crowd who supplied the engine and get everything required.
Richard has looked at our old engine, and has estimated that it has done at least 200,000 miles — not the 70,000 we were told by Motorlands. And as extra evidence of this, the clutch in the van has been rebuilt at least once — and clutches in this type of vehicle typically have a long life! So Motorlands have a lot to answer for! We are collecting the evidence, and will take appropriate steps when we can. By the way, it is true that the van was first registered in the UK in 1997, but according to the chassis number, it was built in 1974!
Wednesday Dec 10
— the parts are on order and should be here some time today. In the meantime, Richard is looking at our leisure battery issues. It turns out that the 'leisure battery' fitted in the van has a rating of 60 Amp hours, and the specification for leisure batteries is that they should have a rating of at least 100 Amp hours, and preferably more! The main battery for the van is nearly twice the rating of the 'leisure battery', which should never be the case. No wonder we have been having problems! Another issue to be taken up with Motorlands! Richard will try to fit a larger battery tray under the bonnet, but if there is not enough space, the new leisure battery will go under the bed (where there is sufficient space — but it means the battery needs to be a sealed unit or else there will be issues with hydrogen production).
Thursday Dec 11
— Called Richard to find that the parts still haven't arrived from Cornwall. Got him to get on the phone to push them a little harder. On top of this, Richard tells us that he ordered a full engine, but what they sent (and what they say was ordered) was a bare engine, which is why the problem with the ancillary parts! — The incompetence of some of the dealers here in the UK really has to be seen to be believed!

The old engine — very tired!

The new engine, partially built
In the meantime, we've been gong in to Gloucester to browse the shops, or simply hibernating in our room. We've been getting a bit of walking in — Suzie has been walking up to McDonald's (about a mile) to have a cup of coffee and get some Facebook time without being interrupted by Warren. And she has knitted a jumper!

Warren blogging in the room
We're going back into Gloucester tomorrow and on Saturday, as there is a '
Festive Fayre' at Gloucester Quays from Friday to Sunday. And the
last film in the Hobbit Trilogy opens on Friday! And on Saturday there is a
Festive Christmas Market and carols at Gloucester Cathedral, and in the Cathedral itself the Cathedral Junior Choir, Cathedral Youth Choir and Cathedral Choir will be singing carols on the hour from 11am. Warren was cunning, as when he paid for the privilege of photographing in the Cathedral when we first went in, he stuck the permit on the camera — and it's still there, so we can continue taking photos whenever we visit the Cathedral!
There have been major storms around the UK over the past few days, but Gloucester has been the place to be — the weather here has been pleasant and mild.
Distance driven — today, nil ; to date, 9,889 miles ( 15,915 km )